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Content marketing

It is the form of marketing do focus on publishing, creating and distributing content for a list of targeted online audience.

It is also used by businesses to:

Attract the attention of targeted audience and generate leads.

To expand their customer base

To generate and increase the online sale of the brand.

For the engagement of an online community of online users.

It is a different form of online marketing which relies on meeting and anticipating the need of existing customers for information and opposes the creation of demands of new needs. When a business does content marketing its main focus should be on the need of their customers or prospects. Once the business came to know about the need of customers than the information can be provided in various formats like videos, news, e-books, infographics, email newsletters, podcasts, case studies and questioning and answering articles and blogs as well.

You can learn more about the content marketing by digital marketing training in delhi and also digital marketing institute from Techstack.

Implications of content marketing:

The beginning and growth of content marketing turned a traditional business into the media publishing companies. For example:

• A well-known brand red bull which sells a high-energy drink has published its sponsored events, YouTube videos, sponsored events regulate around sports and the activities like mountain climbing, biking, motocross, snowboarding, cliff-diving, and skateboarding. The unit of red bull is red bull media house that does the production of full length featured movies for cinema and downstream channels. The red bull also published its monthly magazine comes up internationally- “red bulletin” with a major focus on men’s sport, lifestyle and culture.

• The site of personal finance has used content marketing and especially their blogs on personal blog” MintLife” to make the list of targeted audience whom they want to sell their product. As an entrepreneur said that the concentration of was on the growth of audience for MintLife.

Content creation

These three preliminary steps should typically follow for the creation of content.

1- Define a target audience and inquiry about their needs

2- Determine the types of contents.

3- Establish a system for management of content

1- Define a target audience and do inquiry about their needs.

For the creation of successful content campaign we first needed to target the audience and their needs which were commonly known as user segmentation. The successful content marketers do the deep study about the needs and desires of their targeted audience. The more we know about the need and wants of customer it makes easy to define the content to target audience.

2- Determine the types of content

Videos, Info graphics, Quizzes, Lists, White paper and e-books, Questioning and answering, Webinars, Surveys, Interviews, Podcasts, Editorial etc., The appropriate type of content among all types of contents depends upon the needs and desires of targeted audience and customer.

3- Establishment a system for the management of content.

For starting any business firstly we need a content managing system (CMS) all though there are so many CMS and everyone is slightly different from one another in different value propositions, most of them included the functions to help with publication, creation, and analytics for the success of the post.

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